The Dream Team
09/13/2020 | Lamar Morin
Join us on Sunday, September, 13, 2020, at 9:30am as we worship together at Hoffmantown Online! Sermon by Lamar Morin (In View of a Call) – The Dream Team Today’s Songs: This Is Amazing Grace, O Praise The Name (Anástasis), I Got Saved Sermon Notes: The Dream Team Nehemiah 2:17 – 3:32 What is the context? The books of Ezra & Nehemiah: In the work of God, the greatest accomplishments come from a unity of purpose when people of diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities join together under a compelling vision. Shared Vision (2:17-20) Shared vision has context. A leader must not mind if the credit goes to others. The workers were willing to cooperate and coordinate. Download the Map of Jerusalem: Links:
The Big Idea:
Shared vision has commonality.
Shared vision brings the work into focus.
Shared vision requires a dream team.
Dedicated Leaders (3:1ff)
A leader must motivate people.
A leader must plan, organize and delegate.
A leader must oversee.
A leader must give proper recognition.
Willing Workers (3:1ff)
The workers were willing to complement each other for the overall cause.
Some workers were willing to work outside of their areas of strength.
Some workers were willing to do the less glamorous or desirable jobs.
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