Compass 9/12/21


THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (September 12, 2021)

This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will be preaching about “Identifying Apostates” (Jude 8-10). This week’s songs will be I’ll Fly Away by Albert E. Brumley, orchestrated by Lee Marcum, God So Loved by Andrew Bergthold, Ed Cash, Franni Cash, Martin Cash, and Scott Cash, Chain Breaker by Jonathan Smith, Mia Fieldes, and Zach Williams, and Goodness Of God by Ben Fielding, Ed Cash, Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson, Jen Johnson.


Hoffmantown’s Round Up is THIS SUNDAY!

Round up your friends and family and invite them to join you here this evening for our western-themed church-wide picnic, 5-7pm, on the east patio/parking lot area. Hoffmantown is providing BBQ brisket only; Please bring a side dish or dessert to share and arrive by 4:30pm to set up. The fun will include free Kona Ice, a photo booth, and a pastoral singing quartet. More information is available at


Hoffmantown Church Annual Meeting September 26

The Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 26 at 3pm in the Worship Center. The meeting will be in person. Childcare will be available for Birth-4th grade. This will be an important meeting because we will have updates from Hoffmantown ministries with vision for the future and will be voting on minor changes to the 2020 Bylaws, the new 2 At Large Church Council members and approving the corporate officers. Biographies of the At Large Member nominees, changes to the Bylaws, the corporate officers and to review the Church Council Policies and Procedures, will soon be available to view at Handouts of the At Large Members bios and pictures, corporate officers and changes to the Bylaws will soon be available in the Fellowship Mall.

2 At Large Church Council Members Voting Process:
The Church Council will be recommending 1 woman and 1 man to be presented to the congregation. As with all votes, only members will be allowed to vote, and we will have a confidential process to tally the vote. We look forward to seeing everyone there.

Hoffmantown Church Annual Meeting Agenda:
Church Council Vote – At Large Members
Bylaw Changes Vote
Approve Corporate Officers
State of the Church
Ministerial and Operational Updates

For more information, contact Susan Franse at or 858-8654.


God Loves You Tour

You’re invited to an exciting free event featuring live music and a message of hope from Franklin Graham. The purpose is to bring your lost family and friends! The event is Tuesday, September 28 at 7pm at Expo New Mexico. The event will be held outside so bring a lawn chair. Find more Information at


Student Pastor

Please be in prayer as we are seeking a full-time Student Pastor who has a passionate call to student ministry. This ministry position will directly report to Pastor Lamar and be responsible for developing a comprehensive program of evangelism and discipleship for students (grades 7-12) and collegiates. Experience and education in this area of ministry is required. Applicants should submit a resume and letter of interest to


Administrative Assistant Position Available

Hoffmantown’s Adult Family Ministry is seeking a part-time administrative assistant. Legacy, Men’s, and Women’s Ministries are included in AFM. Applicant should be an active member of Hoffmantown Church, sense a calling to Christian service, able to work in various contexts, and proficient in software applications. Applications are available at the Receptionist Desk Monday through Friday. Please return completed applications to the receptionist. For job requirements, please contact Susan Franse at 858-8654 or



Kids Ministry Teachers Needed!

Kids Ministry is experiencing growth in our nursery division. The body has so fervently prayed for more young families, and now they are coming! We are currently in need of 2 people to volunteer to serve in our toddler/ 2 year olds class on Sundays during the 9:30am service on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Sunday of each month. Will you please join us in praying for the Lord to provide a team to come alongside the existing leadership in this class? If you are feeling called to serve in this class or any other kids ministry area, please contact or 858-8601.


Parents Night Out

Your kids are invited to a Mad Science Parents Night Out! Parents Night Out is an opportunity for couples to pour into their marriage while their kiddos ages 6 weeks-6th grade get to come have a fun time at church. Parents Night Out is held 3 times a year in September, December, and February. On September 24th 6-9:30pm, we are going to dive deep into some fun science experiments. Preschoolers will be learning all about Creation to explore God’s handiwork. Kindergarten-6th graders will be doing some awesome chemistry experiments to learn about just how creative our God really is. The cost is $10 per child with a family maximum of $40. Registration is available at



Christmas at Hoffmantown

As you’re making plans for your holiday season, make sure to save the date for “Christmas at Hoffmantown” on Saturday, December 4th at 7pm. This year’s presentation is sure to be special as guest artists, Bradley and Holly Knight, will collaborate with our Worship Choir and Orchestra to bring you and your family a Christmas concert you won’t soon forget. Bradley Knight has served as staff arranger and worship leader for some of the most prominent churches in America: Christ Church Choir, Prestonwood, and, most recently, the famous Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir in NY. He’s also a producer, orchestrator, and accomplished keyboardist. He’s written and arranged music for the Gaither Homecoming Friends, Lee Greenwood, LeAnn Rimes, Vestal Goodman, Lee University, and the Collingsworth Family to name a few. But, perhaps, what he’s best known for, is being the preeminent music arranger for Choirs and Orchestras in the church today. Hoffmantown is one of those churches who has benefited from his gifts and ministry over the years. Bradley’s wife, Holly, serves alongside him in ministry and is a gifted singer, writer, speaker, and worship leader. You won’t want to miss this incredible “one night only” event, so be sure to mark your calendars for December 4th now. As a bonus, Bradley and Holly will also be leading worship with us on Sunday, December 5th.



Balloon Fiesta Outreach

The Balloon Fiesta Park and Ride is coming back to Hoffmantown! And because of this, the Mission Ministry will be resuming their Balloon Fiesta Outreach. This is a fun time to share the love of Christ to those attending the Fiesta through happy greetings and warm cups of hot chocolate and coffee. Missions will be doing this outreach the mornings of October 2-3 and October 7-10 right out in our parking lot. We’d love to have at least 8 lovely volunteers signed up for each day. However, if we do not get enough volunteers for a certain day we will NOT be doing the outreach, so please join us in signing up to help! If you are interested please contact Adrienne at or 858-8660.


Mission Prayer Moment

This week the Mission Council is praying for the Great Commission Alliance (GCA). GCA is a ministry that strives to teach the tools of evangelism to any and everyone and share the importance of the Great Commission. They seek to accomplish this through intercession and prayer, guidance and consulting, next generation ministry, international partnerships, developing great tools, and equipping believers for effective ministry. Two families, the Herbsts and the Bakers, from our church are even on staff at this wonderful ministry! Please join the Mission Council in praying for this ministry as well as for the Herbst’s and the Baker’s as they follow God’s Great Commission.



Current Members:

Elders: Jim Dearholt & Ben Wyne

Pastors: Lamar Morin & David Hopkins

Deacons: Allan Rider & Drayton Boozer

Operations: Sam Mouck

At Large Members: Jeni Civerolo, D’Ann Craft, Robert Ewing, Steve Gnerich, Patricia Rogers and Bruce Townsend



In Loving Memory

Please continue to be in prayer for the families of Belinda Skeets, Mary Otero and Marie Syme.


CBA and BCNM 2021 Annual Meetings
The Central Baptist Association will hold their annual meeting on Thursday, October 7 at 7pm at Mountain Valley Church, 5 Dinkle Road, Edgewood, NM. This year’s annual meeting theme will be “Pressing Toward the Mark,” Philippians 3:13-14. A great night of worship, fellowship and an excellent message is being planned.

The Baptist Convention of New Mexico State Convention will be held on October 26-27 at First Baptist, Roswell, NM. The theme for the meeting will be “Praying and Proclaiming” based on Colossians 4:3-4. Guest speakers will include Dr. Matt Queen, associate dean of the Roy J. Fish School of Evangelism and Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Nathan Lino, founding senior pastor of Northeast Houston Baptist Church in Houston, TX. The annual sermon will be presented by Keith Berryman, pastor of First Baptist Church of Farmington.

To register as a guest or serve as a Hoffmantown messenger (a representative affirmed by Hoffmantown Church leadership) to either of the annual meetings of the Central Baptist Association or the Baptist Convention of New Mexico, please contact Susan Franse at or 858-8654.