THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (December 19, 2021)
This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar will preach about “The Greatest Christmas Gift” (Luke 2:6-14). This week’s songs will be Do You Hear What I Hear by Noel Regney and Gloria Shayne, arr. by Central Live, Mason Brown, Travis Cottrell, Joy To The World (w/Shout For Joy) by Paul Baloche, George Frideric Handel, and Isaac Watts, O Come All Ye Faithful by Frederick Oakeley, Jake Espy, & John Francis Wade, arr. by Grant Wall, orch. by Dan Galbraith, and What A Beautiful Name by Ben Fielding and Brooke Ligertwood, arr. by Dan Galbraith.
Christmas Eve Services
Join us on December 24 as we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior in song and worship at two services: 3pm and 5pm, with the Lord’s Supper as well as a candle lighting. Or join us via LiveStream for the 5pm service at
2022 Budget Vote Results
Thanks to all of you in the Body who voted a couple weeks back on the church budget for 2022. This is to notify you that the budget proposal passed with 98% approval. Thank you for participating in the vote and for your faithful financial stewardship to our church.
Stewardship Discovery Group
A Stewardship Discovery Group has been formed to make recommendations to the church on how the land sale proceeds will be allocated. We believe the money we will receive is a gift from God and is to be used to advance His Kingdom and support the mission, purpose and vision of Hoffmantown Church. The members of the group are Gerald Farley (Chair), Dave Jarvis (Vice-chair), Fran Stribling (Secretary), D’Ann Craft, Robert Ewing, Steve Gnerich, David Hopkins, Doug Lawson, Sam Mouck, and Patricia Rogers.
You can contact the team at We solicit your prayers as we begin to discover how God is going to lead us. We will provide regular updates as the journey continues.
Winter 2022 Life Groups
We will be offering the following Life Groups, beginning the week of January 3, 2022: Prayer: An In-depth Study, Old and New Testament Side by Side, 1 and 2 Peter, Colossians/Philemon, and Adorned: Living Out the Beauty of the Gospel, Together. Please visit for more information!
Year End Giving
Here are some dates to remember for year end giving: In Person–at the church through Friday, December 31, 2021 by 1:30pm; Online–through Friday, December 31, 2021 before midnight at; By Mail–contributions sent in the mail MUST be postmarked no later than December 31, 2021 to be included on your 2021 Contribution statement. Mail postmarked after December 31, 2021 will be posted to your 2022 Contributions. If you have questions, email
Volunteers Needed in Kids Ministry
God is blessing our ministry with an abundance of kids! Now we need adults to help in the classrooms. We are looking for both teachers and helpers, with openings during either the worship service or Sunday school, in all age groups: Nursery, Preschool, or Elementary. Training will be provided. If you are interested in volunteering, please email or call 858-8617.
Current Members:
Elders: Tom Caudill and Jim Dearholt
Pastors: Lamar Morin and David Hopkins
Deacons: Drayton Boozer and Dave Jarvis
Operations: Sam Mouck
At Large Members: D’Ann Craft, Steve Gnerich, Jeff McElwain, Patricia Rogers, Linda Rupp and Bruce Townsend
From the Church Council meeting with the Communications Team on December 2:
Drew Hoey reported that the team has been blessed in recent months with the growth of their team in volunteers; however, additional volunteers are always welcome! Michael Taylor, Technical/IT leader, has also been able to take care of many other things that have needed to be done on the technical side. Drew has made many changes to the website, making it more visitor-friendly. The search platform has been upgraded.
Michael Taylor, who has been serving in the IT department for 2 years, has been instrumental, in the purchase of new cameras that have been purchased. The phone and internet systems are being updated as well. One of the next technical areas to be tackled in the new year of 2022 will be new projectors in the Worship Center.
The Church Council and Church members are very appreciative for all the work, abilities and talents used to God’s glory by our Communications Team!
Need Help with Christmas This Year? You will receive an email that a grocery voucher will be made available for pickup, at the church Receptionist Desk, during normal business hours, until 5pm on Thursday, December 23. Many blessings and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Church Family, if you or someone you know needs help with Christmas groceries, please send us an email to