Compass 12/1/24

This Sunday Lead Pastor Lamar’s message will be “Living For Jesus, Living Like Jesus Part 1” (Philippians 1:27). This week’s songs will be Joy to the World (with Shout for Joy) by Isaac Watts, G.F. Handel, Paul Baloche, Jason Ingram and Lincoln Brewster; arr. by Dan Galbraith and Shane Ohlson; orch. by Dan Galbraith, Fairest (with Fairest Lord Jesus) by Glenn Packiam; arr. by Dan Galbraith, What Can I Do (Christmas Version) by Paul Baloche and Graham Kendrick; arr. by Dan Galbraith, and We Believe by Matthew Hooper, Richie Fike and Travis Ryan; arr. by Dan Galbraith.

Christmas at Hoffmantown
You don’t want to miss Christmas at Hoffmantown this year!  On December 13 & 14 at 6:30pm, the Music & Media ministries will present “The Star Still Shines: A Southern Gospel Christmas.” It’s sure to be a fun, toe tapping time as we celebrate the Savior’s birth and the hope He continues to offer the world today. The 8th Annual Nativity Gallery will also be on display in the Fellowship Mall before and after the performances, starting at 6pm. Refreshments and live music will be included. For more information, go to

Nativity Gallery
Our Annual Nativity Gallery will be on display in the Fellowship Mall before and after our  “Christmas at Hoffmantown” presentations December 13-14. Please bring your favorite nativity set and come take a look, as we remember with awe and wonder our Lord coming to earth. This display will open at 6pm, and refreshments will be provided! If you would like to submit a nativity set for display, please bring your set on Thursday, December 12, 1-4pm, or Friday, December 13, 10am-1pm, to the Fellowship Mall. We will provide “provenance forms” so you can write a short background about your set. If you would like to participate, contact

Hoffmantown Budget Voting December 8
The Hoffmantown Church bylaws require in-person voting at a special business meeting in December for approving the budget for the next year. This vote will take place December 8, 2024.

Lottie Moon Week of Prayer
Today starts the Lottie Moon Week of Prayer; A week dedicated to our missionaries overseas. As we continue with the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, consider joining us in devoting time to prayer. Physical prayer guides are available at the offering boxes, but you can also find the prayer prompts online at

Student Ministry Upcoming Events:
December 8 – Christmas Party, 5-8pm, Building E
(Make Your Own Gift Exchange- $10 to $15 value.)

These are great times to eat, play games, hang out and bring your friends!

And don’t forget, 7-12th graders see you Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm and Sundays 11am 12:15pm in building E!

Current Members:
Elders: Gerald Farley and Merv Jersak
Pastors: Lamar Morin and Gregory Elder
Deacons: Stacy Fugate and John McBee
Operations: Sam Mouck
At Large Members: Nathan Brannon, Paula Gibson, Stacey Lake, Dave Pitcher, Jerri Rose and Tom Smith

Student Pastor Dane Wilkerson joined us for our November Church Council meeting. We shared his words about some exciting ongoing events last week, but this week, we’d like to share what he sees on the horizon! Our Student Ministry is looking ahead to D-Now, a retreat, camp, and several outreach opportunities, such as serving food at Christian Challenge at UNM and joining in the efforts of LifeQuest, an at-risk student program. Our opportunities are increasing which means our needs are increasing. Pastor Dane communicated the need for adults to step up and volunteer to help. Please pray about it, then contact the church or talk to Pastor Dane personally about where you can get plugged in. In addition, please pray for more space for our students, for the upcoming events to spread the love of Christ and to make disciples, and for more students to continue to join this group! What a blessing it is to see God at work in this ministry!

Call Pastor on Call 505-321-9570