Compass 11/6/22


THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (November 6, 2022)

This Sunday, Lead Pastor Lamar’s message will be “Pray Like This…Your Kingdom Come. Your Will Be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven” (Matthew 6:10). This week’s songs will be Only King Forever by Steven Furtick, Chris Brown, Wade Joye and Mack Brock; arr. by Ron Blount, O God Our Help Public Domain with additional lyrics by Tommy Walker; arr. Adam W. Lancaster, Open My Eyes with Be Thou My Vision by Mary Byrne, Eleanor Hull, Phil Barfoot and Rebecca Peck; arr. by Cliff Duren, and We Believe by Matthew Hooper, Richie Fike and Travis Ryan.

Christmas at Hoffmantown December 9 and 10

As you’re making plans for your holiday season, make sure to save the date for “You Light the World” on December 9 and 10 at 7pm. The 6th Annual Nativity Gallery will be on display in the Fellowship Mall before and after our Christmas performances on December 9 and 10. Please come take a look, as we remember with awe and wonder our Lord coming to earth. This display will open at 6pm, and refreshments will be provided!

Operation Christmas Child

Operation Christmas Child is back and in full swing! Stop by the Fellowship Mall and pick up a box to fill with goodies for kiddos overseas. If you’d like to learn more about the ministry, please visit.

Deck the Halls

Please join us on Thursday, November 10 and Friday, November 11, from 9am-8pm each day, and Saturday, November 12 from 9am-3pm (due to the “Thankful Hearts” women’s event, we are encouraging women to attend the event from 11am-1:30pm). Men, we appreciate your support in helping with decorating Thursday-Saturday, as we Deck the Halls for Christmas at Hoffmantown. Please sign up in your Sunday School Class or call Debra Byrd at 505-301-1398 if you are able to help with decorating or could bring soup, sandwiches or snacks for the group.


September Month-End Update from the Finance Committee(Our fiscal year now starts in January)September 2022                                 Actuals                  YTD ActualsReceipts / Income                              $205,235                               $2,245,777Less Expenses                      $ 261,392                              $2,293,093

$(56,157)                              $   (47,316)

Thank you for your faithful and generous giving to the Lord through Hoffmantown Church.If you have questions regarding the financials or want more information, you can contact any member of the Finance Committee (Ken Abbott, Doug Lawson, Fran Stribling, Regan Stinnett, JoAnn Polk, Robert Ewing, and D’Ann Craft) or email us at

Hoffmantown Church Paid Ministry Positions AvailableHoffmantown Church has part-time positions available. Applicants should be an active member of Hoffmantown Church, sense a calling to Christian service and be able to work in various contexts.




Our Maintenance/Set-Up/Janitorial Department is seeking a dedicated Christian person to assist our team part-time in the area of custodial duties. This position could become a full-time opportunity for the right person. For job requirements, please contact Roger Tesch at

Applications are available at the Receptionist Desk Monday through Friday, or you can download an application from

Please return completed applications to the receptionist.



Women’s Ministry – “Thankful Hearts”

“By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name.” Hebrews 13:15 (KJV)

Women of Hoffmantown, join us for our fall Mary Moments luncheon, “Thankful Hearts” on November 12, from 11am-1:30pm in room B209/221. We will share a light lunch, enjoy a time of music and devotional thoughts, share some Thanksgiving memories, join in a ministry outreach activity, and celebrate God’s blessings with our Second Annual Hoffmantown Bake-Off. Cost is $5. All registration ends November 7 at 9am. In-person registration available in the Fellowship Mall this Sunday, November 6. Childcare available for ages up through 10 years old; each child must bring their own lunch. To register go to If you have questions, contact


Student Ministry Mid-Week Worship Service

Join us Wednesdays, from 6:30-8pm, for our Student Ministry Mid-Week Worship Service in Building E! This is an awesome time of student-led worship, preaching, and hanging out. Can’t wait to see our Hoffmantown Students there and don’t be afraid to bring a friend! And remember, Student Sunday School happens every Sunday in Building E at 11am!

Fall Festival 2022

The candy wrappers and cheese puff dust has settled! Fall Festival 2022 was a turbulent and rousing success! Over 900 people visited the festival and about half were unchurched! Between 42,000 pieces of candy, well over 100 volunteers, 30+ games and booths, 4 decorated sections, and 2 days of setup, we can praise God for 1 more salvation! That’s right! Amongst the many conversations, interactions, and prayers between our Evangelism and Prayer Teams, we know of one more soul saved for Christ! Talk about Mondays, right?! But really, we are so thrilled to see the prayer and work that went into the Fall Festival has had such a spiritual and life-changing impact. Thank you to all our volunteers that served and played with a smile. It was a blast watching you all have so much fun with the kids.

 We are following up with festival goers that stated in their registration that they would like to know more about Jesus. If you would like to become part of this team, please email Please keep the health of congregates in your prayers—we found sickness was making its rounds through the volunteers!


Shine Partnership

We are excited to announce that Hoffmantown is able to move forward with Shine Partnership! Shine is a ministry that connects churches with local schools in their area, and creating a partnership between the two. Our church has been assigned a school to partner with and would like you to join in! This involves blessing the teachers and students with gifts of food, clothes, etc. If interested, contact More information on future projects with Shine are coming soon.


Current Members:

Elders: Jim Dearholt and Jim Smith

Pastors: Lamar Morin and Gregory Elder

Deacons: Dave Jarvis and John Stockton

Operations: Sam Mouck

At Large Members: D’Ann Craft, Jeff McElwain, Dave Pitcher, Jerri Rose, Linda Rupp and Bruce Townsend