THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (November 20, 2022)
This Sunday, join Lead Pastor Lamar in “Thanksgiving Lord’s Supper” (Luke 22:7-23). This week’s songs will be May the Peoples Praise You by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, Stuart Townend, Ed Cash and David Zimmer; arr. by Dan Galbraith, Christ Our Hope in Life and Death by Keith Getty, Jordan Kauflin, Matt Papa, Matt Boswell and Matthew Merker; arr. by Dan Galbraith, Great Is Thy Faithfulness (Beginning to End) by William Runyan, Jason Ingram and Mike Weaver; arr. by Craig Adams, Ken Barker and Danny Zaloudik, and Goodness of God Ben Fielding, Ed Cash, Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson and Jen Johnson; arr. by Travis Cottrell.
You Light the World – Christmas at Hoffmantown December 9 and 10
Come and experience Jesus, the Light of the world, as Hoffmantown Church presents an evening of Christmas sights and sounds you won’t soon forget. Our Worship Choir and Orchestra will perform beautiful and exciting arrangements, featuring both old and new Christmas songs. Add to that an amazing visual display of festive themes on our new 17X10 high-definition screens using state of the art 4K laser projectors. You and your family/friends won’t want to miss making this a part of your Christmas memories this year. Also, join us in the Fellowship Mall before and after the performance for our 6th annual Nativity Gallery. This display will open at 6pm and refreshments will be provided. If you would like to bring a nativity set for our display, please send an email to
Hoffmantown Church Budget Q&A session November 27
The Hoffmantown Church new fiscal year begins January 1, 2023. The in-person budget vote this year will be Sunday, December 4. We are holding a special Budget Q&A session Sunday, November 27 prior to the voting at 12:30pm in room B100. Please plan to attend if you have any questions about the budget, budgeting process, and voting process.
Hoffmantown Church Paid Ministry Positions Available
Hoffmantown Church has part-time positions available. Applicants should be an active member of Hoffmantown Church, sense a calling to Christian service and be able to work in various contexts.
Paid Childcare
Hoffmantown’s Kids Ministry is seeking part-time paid childcare workers for Tuesdays 9am- 12:30pm and Wednesdays 6:15-8:15pm. If applicable, employees are eligible to receive a 50% discount on tuition for Kids Express (this does not include the annual registration fee). – IF a Hoffmantown member wants to volunteer they are also more than welcome to serve on Tuesday mornings from 9am to 12:30pm, and Wednesday nights from 6:15 to 8:15pm. For job requirements, please contact Stacy Teel at 858-8617 or
Our Maintenance/Set-Up/Janitorial Department is seeking a dedicated Christian person to assist our team part-time in the area of custodial duties. This position could become a full-time opportunity for the right person. For job requirements, please contact Roger Tesch at
Applications are available at the Receptionist Desk Monday through Friday, or you can download an application from
Please return completed applications to the receptionist.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Don’t forget there are NO student ministry midweek activities November 23 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We will meet one last time this semester on November 30, see you then and bring a friend! Student Sunday School happens Sundays in Building E at 11am. Student Ministry QUIZ: (The first student to get the correct answer to Pastor Dane wins a prize. You can call, text, email, message, or swing by the church. If I’m not available ask for the Student Ministry Admin Katelyn!) What is Pastor Dane’s middle name? Good luck! See you Sunday!
Parents Night Out December 2
Parents Night Out is fast approaching! Sign up your kids for a night of Christmas fun with crafts, snacks, and movies where they learn about The Birth of Hope! Don’t forget your pillow! Sign-ups are open at!
If you want to help out, we’ll need plenty of help and would be so thrilled to have you! Check out sign-ups at the Kids Ministry table in the Fellowship Mall, email the Kids Ministry at, or let any kids staff know!
Angel Tree
Angel Tree is back in full swing and is up now! Angel Tree reaches out to the children of prisoners and their families, helping to meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs through Christ. There will be a tree in the Fellowship Mall and a tree upstairs by the kitchen. Stop by to select an angel to give to a child in Albuquerque.
Shine Partnership
We are excited to announce that Hoffmantown is able to move forward with Shine Partnership! Shine is a ministry that connects churches with local schools in their area, and creating a partnership between the two. Our church has been assigned a school to partner with and would like you to join in! This involves blessing the teachers and students with gifts of food, clothes, etc. If interested, contact More information on future projects with Shine are coming soon.
Current Members:
Elders: Jim Dearholt and Jim Smith
Pastors: Lamar Morin and Gregory Elder
Deacons: Dave Jarvis and John Stockton
Operations: Sam Mouck
At Large Members: D’Ann Craft, Jeff McElwain, Dave Pitcher, Jerri Rose, Linda Rupp and Bruce Townsend