Christmas at Hoffmantown
You don’t want to miss Christmas at Hoffmantown this year! On December 13 & 14 at 6:30pm, the Music & Media ministries will present “The Star Still Shines: A Southern Gospel Christmas.” It’s sure to be a fun, toe tapping time as we celebrate the Savior’s birth and the hope He continues to offer the world today. The 8th Annual Nativity Gallery will also be on display in the Fellowship Mall before and after the performances, starting at 6pm. Refreshments and live music will be included. For more information, go to
Nativity Gallery
Our Annual Nativity Gallery will be on display in the Fellowship Mall before and after our “Christmas at Hoffmantown” presentations December 13-14. Please bring your favorite nativity set and come take a look, as we remember with awe and wonder our Lord coming to earth. This display will open at 6pm, and refreshments will be provided! If you would like to submit a nativity set for display, please bring your set on Thursday, December 12, 1-4pm, or Friday, December 13, 10am-1pm, to the Fellowship Mall. We will provide “provenance forms” so you can write a short background about your set. If you would like to participate, contact
Hoffmantown Budget Voting December 8
The Hoffmantown Church bylaws require in-person voting at a special business meeting in December for approving the budget for the next year. This vote will take place December 8, 2024.
Multi-Gen Thanksgiving Worship Service this Sunday, November 24
Join us for this fun and exciting service Sunday, November 24, where kids, students, and their parents are invited to join the Worship Choir on the platform. There will be only one rehearsal at 8:30am before the 9:30am service. Contact Michelle at for more info. Visit
This Sunday Lead Pastor Lamar’s message will be “Living and Dying” (Philippians 1:21-26). This week’s songs will be Praise by Pat Barrett, Chris Brown, Cody Carnes, Steven Furtick, Brandon Lake and Chandler Moore; arr. by Cliff Duren, Gratitude by Benjamin Hastings, Dante Bowe and Brandon Lake; arr. by john Bolin, Goodness of God by Ben Fielding, Ed Cash, Jason Ingram, Brian Johnson and Jen Johnson; arr. by Travis Cottrell, and Great Is Thy Faithfulness (You Are Great) by Thomas O.Chisholm,and William M. Runyan; new words and music by Paul Baloche and John Bolin; arr. by John Bolin.
Shine Clothing Drive
Christmas is a time for giving. Our adopted school (Arroyo Del Oso) has requested hats, gloves & underwear for small to extra-large size kids. A box is available by the Reception Desk. We’ll be collecting items through Sunday December 15.
Angel Tree
The angels are back! Stop by the tree in the Fellowship Mall and pick out your angel(s). These gifts go towards children with one or more incarcerated parent in New Mexico. Angel Tree is a ministry aiming to help children directly in our state! Gifts for the angels to be returned by December 1. For more information or questions email us at
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Hoffmantown is starting to collect for International Mission Board’s annual missionary offering today! 100% of this offering goes towards missionaries overseas and their calling to share the Gospel with the lost. This is an incredibly important offering and ask that you prayerfully consider joining us in participating. For more information on the offering, please visit
Parents Night Out
December 6 from 6-9pm
Ages: Birth through 6th grade
Cost: Only $10 per child – $30 max per family
Cost Includes: Quality time and care for your kids – Fun activities – Dinner – and more!
Space is limited! Register by Sunday, December 1 to secure your spot.
Student Ministry Upcoming Events:
November 24 – Turkey Party, 5-8pm, Building E
(No turkeys were harmed in the making of this party!)
December 8 – Christmas Party, 5-8pm, Building E
(Make Your Own Gift Exchange- $10 to $15 value.)
These are great times to eat, play games, hang out and bring your friends!
And don’t forget, 7-12th graders see you Wednesday nights from 6:30-8pm and Sundays 11am 12:15pm in building E!
Current Members:
Elders: Gerald Farley and Merv Jersak
Pastors: Lamar Morin and Gregory Elder
Deacons: Stacy Fugate and John McBee
Operations: Sam Mouck
At Large Members: Nathan Brannon, Paula Gibson, Stacey Lake, Dave Pitcher, Jerri Rose and Tom Smith
At our November church council meeting, we were joined by our Student Ministry pastor, Dane Wilkerson. He shared some incredible praises and celebrations about what is happening in the student ministry. To name a few, he spoke of students who have expressed an interest in missions, of students attending the Evangelism Conference, and of students getting more involved on Sunday mornings in the orchestra and tech ministries. Students are also involved in a Wednesday night prayer and Bible Study time, they participated in a prayer walk around the Capital just before the election, and they are helping with Operation Christmas Child! More about our student ministry coming soon. . .
Call Pastor on Call 505-321-9570