Compass 6/26/22


THIS WEEK’S SERVICE (June 26, 2022)

This Sunday, Lamar’s sermon will be “Rejoicing Through Rejection” (Matthew 5:10-12). This week’s songs will be All The People Said Amen by Matt Maher, Paul Moak, and Trevor Morgan, arr. by Dan Galbraith, Crown Him With Many Crowns by George Job Elvey, Godfrey Thring, Matthew Bridges, and Tommy Walker, What He’s Done by Anna Golden, Jacob Sooter, Kristian Stanfill, and Tasha Cobbs Leonard, arr. by Cliff Duren, and Thou, O Lord by Lisa Ireland, arr. by Carol Cymbala.

Appreciation Gathering for Ms. Staci

Please join us on Friday, July 8 on the Grove, from 6-8pm for a church wide family come and go gathering to honor Staci Spencer-Roth, Director of Kids Ministry. Burgers will be served and there will be games and music. Please bring a dessert to share. We look forward to having everyone join us to express your gratitude and appreciation for Ms. Staci’s service to the Lord at Hoffmantown Church. Please go to to RSVP and let us know that you will be joining us! For more information, contact Susan at or 858-8654.

North Parking Lot ResurfacingWe will be resurfacing and restriping the North parking lot of the church, the lot in front of the receptionist doors, the week of July 11-15. Access to the available parking will be either in the East Lot, closest to the Tanoan Gate or the West Lot in front of Building E. Thanks for your understanding as we do this much needed maintenance to our most used parking lot.


Our Hoffmantown staff family has a new addition! Sarah Chew has joined our Kids Ministry.

Welcome, Sarah!

Hiatus in Operation of the HC HIS Store

Just a reminder that we are taking a hiatus in service through the HIS Store and are no longer needing food for the food pantry. We are monitoring things to evaluate if the food pantry needs to be restarted or not. During this hiatus time-frame, we are continuing to support people in food crisis looking for support through the Pastor-on-Call and benevolence programs. Thank you for your faithful generosity to this ministry.

Next Steps Class July 24

Please come join us for our Next Steps class, coming up on July 24. Next Steps is a one-session look at Hoffmantown’s history, doctrine, philosophy of ministry, and the membership process. Breakfast, lunch and materials will be provided, and family members are welcome! Pastors and elders will be in attendance and would love to get to know you better and answer any questions you may have. To register, please visit, or contact us at or at 505-858-8624. We would love to have you join us!


Administrative Assistant: Hoffmantown Adult Family Ministry is seeking a part-time administrative assistant. Legacy, Men’s, and Women’s Ministries are included in AFM. Applicant should be proficient in software applications. For job requirements, please contact Susan Franse at 858-8654 or

Audio/Visual Assistant:

Hoffmantown is looking for a part-time audio/visual assistant. No experience necessary, we will train you. If you feel called to this ministry, please email Mike Donahoe at or call 858-8680.

Applications are available at the Receptionist Desk Monday through Friday. Please return completed applications to the receptionist. Or you can download an application from


STUDENT MINISTRYCollege Group Coffee, Fellowship and Bible Study

If you are a college student (ages 18-25), please join us Thursday, June 23, from 6:45-8pm at Starbucks on 5901 Wyoming Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109. For more information, please contact us at


Shine Partnership

Shine Partnership is a ministry that equips churches to build relationships with local schools and their surrounding communities. Some examples of this include: tutoring, teacher appreciation, after school programs, and more. Earlier this year the Mission Council was approached to join Shine and start a partnership with a school in our area. After vetting this ministry, the Council has felt a call to join in this ministry. We have a great opportunity to show the love of Christ in public schools where the light of God is dwindling. The Council needs servants to join a core team to run and lead this program with Shine. Please email or call 858-8660 to volunteer or receive more info. We look forward to loving the kids of Albuquerque.


Hoffmantown Family…

What are you doing this summer? Want to have an eternal impact in kids’ lives? Come share God’s Word and have fun with our little ones on Sunday mornings in Kids Ministry!Many of our dedicated volunteers are on extended vacation but kids and families are still faithfully coming to worship and Sunday School on Sunday mornings. So come vacay in Sunday School with our kids!

Thanks for being a part of the eternal impact in our kids’ lives here at Hoffmantown! 🌟


Current Members:

Elders: Tom Caudill and Jim Dearholt

Pastors: Lamar Morin and David Hopkins

Deacons: Drayton Boozer and Dave Jarvis

Operations: Sam Mouck

At Large Members: D’Ann Craft, Steve Gnerich, Jeff McElwain, Patricia Rogers, Linda Rupp and Bruce Townsend